Muffin and Poppy are working on their Ultimate British Shorthair Guide © to help people all over the world choose and look after their British Shorthair kitten (Petal has reminded me to add that the guide will also include the Longhair version). Meanwhile, make sure you have read this checklist fully before contacting or visiting an advertiser. Do not buy a kitten unless you are happy that they follow all the advice on this list. Here is our kitten adoption checklist:
Get to know the breed
Getting a new kitten requires great commitment, so you must make sure that you have the necessary time and commitment to care for the little bundle of joy. Do your research. Here is a good place to start.
Get to know the kitten
Is the Kitten over 8 Weeks of age? Also, is the kitten fully weaned? Muffin and Poppy keep their babies until they are 13 weeks old in order to maximise learning. The kittens benefit from spending this precious period of their infancy with their mother and siblings learning lessons that only they can teach. Muffin and Poppy kittens are all weaned and litter trained. The seller should also agree to give you a refund within 48 hours after taking your kitten to your vet. Thankfully Muffin and Poppy demands that their kittens be checked at least TWICE by their personal family vet. We provide all the details you need, however, the kitten’s health check and records can also be accessed by contacting their vet.
Make sure the kitten has been vaccinated twice. Ask for the vaccination records. All our kittens receive 2 vaccinations, at 9 weeks of age and again at 12 weeks. It is also recommended that they stay inside until 7 days after their 12 weeks injection. Ask your vet about yearly vaccination booster. Kittens must have been treated for worms and fleas before they leave to their permanent homes.
Get to know the mother
The seller must allow you to see the kitten with their mother, and if possible the kitten’s father. Failing this could be a sign that the kitten has not been bred by the seller.
Get to know the seller
Visit the kitten at the seller’s home to confirm that the seller is genuine. Do not send money if:
a) the seller makes excuses to avoid your visit.
b) the seller asks for a deposit without you seeing the kitten,
c) the seller tries to convince you to let him deliver the kitten himself or meet you at any other location than their own home.
d) the seller asks you to send them money online.
If you find out that the seller is not genuine report them.
Finally, is the kitten registered with the GCCF, TICA or FIFe? Make sure you check the documentation prior to taking your kitten home. You can also phone or email the organisation to check the information provided is correct. Here are their details:
01278 427575
(+1) (956) 428-8046
01255 502568
We hope our kitten adoption checklist will help you find you a lovely kitten. Kittens all over the world are also invited to leave tips or comments below for the benefit of all.