Understanding Your Cat’s Body Language

Did you know cats use parts of their body to communicate their feelings? Let’s look at your cat’s body language.


Slightly forward: “I’m very relaxed”.
Straight up:  “I better stay alert and pay attention!”
Slightly back: ” Not sure about that, I am getting slightly annoyed.”
Turned right back: “I’m scared!”
Back and flattened against the head;  ” I am really frightened. I better fold my earns back really tight against my head to protect them from claws and teeth. I might need to get ready to fight!”


Curved down gently, up at the tip: “I’m relaxed and content.”
Slightly raised and curved: “Wait! Something requires my attention.”
Held erect with tip curved over: “That’s very interesting, but I’m not sure about it yet!”
Erect and vertical: “Hello! Can you see the tip or my whole tail quivering? That’s how I show extra friendliness!”
Lowered and between legs: “I don’t know what to do. I’m very scared and better submit. I might be too young for this! I am only a little kitten.”
Fluffed out: “I am scared. Must make myself look bigger than I actually am!”
Lashing from side to side: “I am getting upset. Go away!”


“Please don’t stare. It makes me feel uncomfortable and intimidated. Soft, half-closed eyes or slow blinks would make this feeling go away. It shows that you are still my friend and pose no threat to me!”

The Purr

“I am showing how friendly and content I am!”

Click here to find out more about your cat’s preferences.


Muffin & Poppy British Shorthair Cats and Kittens

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